Awareness and concrete actions

Awareness and concrete actions

Evaluate together your personal need of support

During our first talk, I take all needed time to listen to you, in order to offer you a tailor-made roadmap that can meet your request and your specific development need.

This can be by phone, Visio or at my office.

Following this, we adapt your support together.

Nadia Bothorel - coach certifiée
Nadia Bothorel - coach certifiée

Explore, see differently

Then my role, according to the diagnosis of your request and needs, is to accompany you on the development of your soft skills and your Hard skills, the 2 being essential to the success of your Business.

Soft skills: strengthen your mind; your Leadership, self-confidence, interpersonal skills. This will impact the development of the collective intelligence of your teams and will strengthen the commitment and atmosphere at work.

Hard skills: strengthen your technique in the exercise of your function. Vision, Strategies, Governance, operating process and ability to innovate to be more efficient and profitable.

Support you to find your own solutions

I work with you and enlighten you on this journey of awareness. All your discoveries, the fruit of your progress, are “golden nuggets”, that will allow you to find your own solutions, make the right choices, and take action! It is important to me to help you find your “right” coherence, because it gives meaning to what you do, to make the right decisions, and to succeed with in your business.

Nadia Bothorel - coach certifiée

Our talk and the diagnosis of your request and your needs will allow us together to define your tailor-made support. The goal is to make you progress and see concrete and measurable results.

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